Welcome to Rise Personal Training

I’m so excited to get you started on your 14-Day Trial.

Remember this is just the first step in your fitness journey. Our focus over these next 14 Days will be to get you on the right path to training again, moving more, feeling better, and getting stronger. If you haven’t been training regularly, adding in exercise by itself is already a huge change in your daily habits, so we don’t want to overwhelm you from the start. Take it slow, trust the process, and we will help get you towards your fitness goals.

We hope to provide an amazing training experience for you and would love for you to join our Rise Family after your trial. Below are our current Membership Options

4x/Week - $465/month

3x/Week - $365/month

2x/Week - $265/month

(All memberships are month-to-month)

Give us a follow on Instagram @RisePersonalTraining

Please feel free to reach out with any questions you have

Thank you!

-Team Rise-